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How to Generate References & Bibliography Automatically in MS Word

      A list of sources that consulted and cited in the writing of research papers, articles, reports, thesis and other documents are place at the end of document as References/Bibliography/ Literature Cited/ Further Readings. In Microsoft Office Word you can automatically generate References/Bibliography/ Literature Cited/ Further Readings based on the information you provide about the source and place at the end of document. The source information you create is saved in the computer that can be used in the writing of other documents and you will not have to enter that source information again and again for each new document.You can follow following steps to generate references:

1- Open MS Word document 

2-  Click on References

3.   Click on Style and select Reference style from drop down window. I select APA (American Psychological Association) Style

4.   Compose the information and put the cursor at the end of the sentence where citation has to be inserted. Click on Insert Citation and select Add New Source from drop down window

5.   Create Source Window will appear. Click on Type of Source and select the Source of Reference from drop down window. Here, I select Book. Fill the fields and click OK button

6.   As you click OK button the citation will appear automatically as per your selected style and place

7. If you wish to insert citation latter on. Put the cursor at the end of the sentence where citation has to be inserted latter on. Click on Insert Citation and select Add New Placeholder from drop down window

8.   Placeholder Name window will appear. By default, it will show Placeholder 1,2 and so on. You can rename Placeholder as per your choice. Click on OK button

9.   AS you click OK button, Placeholder will appear at the cursor point automatically

10.   Complete your document and save. When you wish to insert citation in places of Placeholders. Click on Placeholder in the document and select Edit Source from drop down window. Edit Source Window will appear. Complete it and click OK 

11.   When you click OK button citation will appear automatically in place of Placeholder

12.   The source information you create is stored automatically in your computer. The stored references can be reused in other documents very easily. If you wish to recite Ranganna,2010 in another document, Click on References then on Insert Citation. Then click on Ranganna, S. in drop down window. Citation will appear automatically at cursor point

13.   Now after completion of your research paper/thesis/documents you can generate References/Bibliography/Literatures cited automatically at the end of document. Put cursor at the end of document. Click on References then on Bibliography. Drop down window will appear showing Bibliography, References and Works Cited. Click on one of them. I click on References. The References list will be generated automatically as per your selected Style (here APA) of References. You can edit the References any time by editing the edit source as in step 10 above

OK try it and save your time and energy

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